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未來科技 2011 版



  • civicboy1969

% P- u$ y$ f) E# O( A絕對是要仰賴這些科技的
' [' z: y1 j4 v科技帶給我們方便TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 ~4 w: z+ I7 G! ?: T) ]# v
4 e5 [* @, H4 Y& O9 p科技始終來自於人性....


  • civicboy1969

Soon u family, the person sleeping next to u every night, n u family not the most important n value ones in your life n in your heart. They come in the picture after u e and i toys. Like your i touch, i pad, iphone, i card n the apps n u pc. 1 A* `4 C6 J" U" A; I5 Q; ?4 e

' x5 L. j7 i7 `3 b8 V7 `1 H" O1 Llife is nothing more than the i's n e's  which is I alone and Me only, myself n my apps..all come next in line then. www2.tvboxnow.com  H0 {: C6 e- S: X( m! Z7 @2 a

/ c$ P4 t& {3 ?; u公仔箱論壇no heart anymore, no more life, just material n worldly toys n games.
+ S, l6 @  {3 @7 W. Si can't helped but questioned myself,  if the world is moving forward and moving on for the better, or for worst.
" k- P* \* B/ H* |" \/ w2 W
7 |, X+ Y( ?: Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbR the material worship, pushing the line to its limit n extreme and without care. Is the world really prepared if something went wrong, n we can't coup the fast pace.


  • civicboy1969

good good