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Surfer Almost Swallowed by Whale



  • civicboy1969

surfing at sea is very fun and thrilled.
0 X) j) T9 a$ Ibut, can be quite risky and dangerous
' c$ N+ b* ]$ g# e% rwww2.tvboxnow.comat times.4 G" X: Q9 s2 o) |" ?
should always take care to swim and surf公仔箱論壇3 n. o0 y. c- ]" i6 P3 F
on safe waters only
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3 B0 z& M9 ]# J' j3 L( |4 H公仔箱論壇life no take too, life not many 10yrs ah !!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' Y$ j+ d( J  \8 H1 O/ t# }
don't bet your luck away without second thought


  • civicboy1969
