愛寵鬆獅蜥患腦癌 英女砸結婚基金治療
英國有位女老師,原本已經決定要與心愛的人情定終生,不過卻意外發現心愛的寵物鬆獅蜥(bearded dragon)罹患腦癌,竟然毅然決然把原本儲蓄的3000英鎊結婚基金作為其醫療費,婚期也因此而延後。
26歲的Lizzie Griffiths在小學擔任老師,從動物救援中心領養了一隻鬆獅蜥當寵物取名為George。
去年八月時,Griffiths的男朋友 Chris Fisher向其求婚,在籌備婚禮的時候,她還特地訂製了一個特別的蝴蝶結領帶給George,希望可以讓牠在出席婚禮的時候穿戴。
Devoted: Lizzie Griffiths has spent her £3,000 savings on cancer treatment for her pet lizard George
Happy companions: When they met, lizard George burrowed into Lizzie's neck - and they've been the best of friends ever since
The lizard and Lizzie: The pair travelled 100 miles together from Surrey to Suffolk so that George could have treatment for his cancer
Maternal instinct: Lizzie worries about lizard George as if he is her child and would do anything to make him better |