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杰少...welcome back...
congrat you ar... now become VIP liao....haha...:onion14:
come on MU supporter... is time to post more la....:024:

回復 #737 ljw1982 的帖子

thanks bro...

ya rite...MU fans...camon...else Arsenal will closer to us laio...
原帖由 crashersus 於 2008-1-3 09:03 PM 發表
thanks bro...

ya rite...MU fans...camon...else Arsenal will closer to us laio...
ya bro... then u have to call more MU fans come to blow water la....
long time din c ljw?
where u go recently?diving?
recently many mu fans joined
原帖由 wlt1110 於 2008-1-4 12:50 AM 發表
long time din c ljw?
where u go recently?diving?
recently many mu fans joined
just diving a bit.. n also have some problem need to be solve....
now i am back.....
so go to play the game la...:onion31:

回復 #742 ljw1982 的帖子

sure play the game la!
原帖由 wlt1110 於 2008-1-4 08:56 AM 發表
sure play the game la!
haha... then have to ask more to come to play la.....
原帖由 ljw1982 於 2008-1-4 12:59 PM 發表

haha... then have to ask more to come to play la.....
有么搞作啊?? 我实掌你....
原帖由 crashersus 於 2008-1-4 02:23 PM 發表

有么搞作啊?? 我实掌你....
thanks a lot ar....

回復 #746 ljw1982 的帖子

i also support u!

回復 #746 ljw1982 的帖子

Support you too, we're all the Fans of Man U!!
其實係呢個 post 大家唔一定傾曼聯野
話明係吹水 post 大家想講乜就乜拉 除粗言穢語

大家最近都忙緊d咩野? :onion14:
唔好入去睇完就算 :019: