5 x2 \# n* F+ E; S O公仔箱論壇www2.tvboxnow.com5 c' ~# t7 l$ W( ~1 }
www2.tvboxnow.com8 E, p6 i3 B. K
. q% Y q8 F& V% M; o% ^
身为马来人,我要问问非马来人,这个国家的政府是种族主义份子,它竭尽所能的把你们变成不受欢迎的『外来者』,可是为什麽你们还留在这里?我所认识的非马来人都在告诉我同一件事——马来西亚是他们的国家——除了这里,再也没有别处可被他们当成是自己的国家,因此,他们留下来,继续忍受这种侵犯和无聊的言论。公仔箱論壇: Y: W6 B) l) |3 L G! c
公仔箱論壇( L( H: C: r( y8 F" [ K
倘若你在国内四处奔走,看看数据,尤其是在夜市,猜猜是谁在经营这些小贩生意呢?调查一下我们最爱的秋杰路(Chow Kit Road),看看是谁的生意最好呢?在富都巴刹(Pudu wet market)内,是谁在凌晨四时(甚至连鸡都还没开始啼)就开始招徕顾客呢? h/ x9 V# ~5 {
( }* g9 O- s, [: `) l9 Q# t( mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(这些小买卖中),有一半是外籍人士在从事,另一半来自其他族群,马来人只剩下土地(尤其是那些没有价值的保留地)。所有的政府相关企业依旧在马来人手中,可是这将不会长久,始终还是会被变卖得一干二净。人们都知道,马来人做事没毅力,也无法坚持承诺,他们没有商业触觉,做生意对他们而言难如登天,马来人没有应变能力,也无法承受压力。我的这番话是经验之谈,他们很容易就被环境所动摇。4 Z% J3 @4 @" ?; S. Z, p
公仔箱論壇; ^/ B( A# ?' D) s
国内有超过一半以上的劳工是外劳(印尼、缅甸、尼泊尔、越南和孟加拉!),我国不止会像伊德里斯(Idris Jala)说的那样会破产,而且已经被变卖(dilelongkan)。这些大多数比较贫穷的马来人将没人理会,他们将变成乞丐、飚车族(mat rempit)、瘾君子(mat gian)、掠夺犯(mat ragut)和摇头族(mat dadah)(他们的费用全部由政府津贴,供他们买最好的摇头丸——美沙冬(Metadon),以逃避残酷的现实)。谁在扑杀他们自己的马来民族呢?并非他人,而是巫统/国阵自己!我在此打住。www2.tvboxnow.com" p- O: O/ {# t3 C: x! l! B
www2.tvboxnow.com! A: V! {" Y- g! [; \1 g8 O
自 1957年以来,巫统有效的在我国展开了人口改造工程,以确保它能长期身处一下,它发明了迷一般的四字真言——『马来主权』(Ketuanan Melayu)的洗脑策略。对大部分麻木不仁的马来人而言,『马来主权』让他们觉得自己被非马来人优秀,因为他们拥有人口数量上的优势,而『马来主权』让那些受益的马来政治精英『巫统土著』(UMNOputra)利用来为他们自己和朋党们搜刮民脂民膏。尽管巫统在任何方面都失败了——无论是以良政、伦理或道德而言,可是,无可否认的,它在五一三种族暴乱后的社会重组计划是无比成功的。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% h2 a7 i- J$ Z; i
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 m) [# |- B( [8 U2 O
巫统虚情假意的宣布了『一个大马』——一个民族、一个国家——可是它私底下却通过一个非常准确和集中的政治企图削减非土著人口的数量,这套狠毒狠的计划的高效率,可说令人不寒而栗。) F* {! `+ {6 W) |% m5 [
3 Q9 {) U- o0 q. C7 B8 d3 w- p4 X看看以下数据:
7 x4 u R. f* c% P公仔箱論壇3 A. `9 }2 x2 H
在1957年:tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: A0 D( f) C. a$ \. J$ C/ L: ]% u
华裔人口占45%,印裔人口占12%tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 j, }% I9 @7 l8 Y* T! m$ i7 v
0 ?1 d9 G% y9 c8 ~7 R3 T* ` @华裔人口占25%,印裔人口占7%
* E+ U( ] l2 W9 nwww2.tvboxnow.com
% D! R1 G/ D# l$ p! Q7 A Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb超过60万华裔和印裔马来西亚公民持有红色身份证,他们的公民权申请不断的被拒绝,而其中有60%因为年老而已经去世。公仔箱論壇, N. M6 V. }( \' z8 n2 _% J9 ~
www2.tvboxnow.com2 n* F5 Q7 { U/ I: L
7 d h* x3 f) L; [: f: G) y ]2百万华裔,50万印裔。
/ G% G- S4 Z# N" p" w' M* B0 j- f6 L- ~4 h
3百万印尼人来到马来西亚成为了马来西亚公民,同时持有土著身份,他们甚至居留的时间少于超过5年(增加幅度为50万人,再加上额外『大量生产』的300万土著,比方说印尼回教徒)。最著名的一位即是基尔(Mohd Khir Toyo),他只不过居住了20年就当上了雪州州务大臣。
+ ]% P! Y! u* K. ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
+ I& r7 Q. N) D9 O公仔箱論壇在不久的将来,我可以预见马来土著也许将为这些印尼移民的第二代或第三代而忧心了,因为这些人拥有他们父母和祖父母勤奋工作和做小买卖的天份,以社会经济进程的角度而言,最终马来土著将会被排挤在外。基尔比大部分本地土生土长的马来人聪明,当然,这是指他能在短时间内累计大量私人财富而言,甚至就连泰益(Muhammad Muhammad Taib)也望尘莫及,这是基尔的聪明之处。公仔箱論壇9 J5 M6 Q& f7 M6 T) \7 |8 V
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% ?, j! `" |" Q' J6 N+ {2 k5 z @' S
+ S$ y3 R# x c9 h: VTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
. p n0 t. G1 r# T+ \; n9 Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb以此同时,印尼新移民在你还没睡醒前就已经出门工作,而当你回家上床睡觉时,他们还未回到家。当他们获得了应得的财富时,到时,作为大多数族群的马来人是否会把他们视为威胁呢?印尼人对华人的商业触觉和勤奋感到尊敬,可是,要不是马来人沉溺在毫无设防的嫉妒中,他们会这样想吗?www2.tvboxnow.com6 f' x* y% ~% G, T1 l
www2.tvboxnow.com1 H9 r( T( l' t) z9 J$ m
现在,非马来人已经充分意识到我们的人口改造计划,如果我们今天撒手不管,只说那是巫统一手促成的话,那将不会给马来人带来什么好处。身为马来人,我曾经对巫统是国阵的主导者而感到安心,当知道马来人控制了国内五家大银行中的其中四家,我感到很欣慰,我们也控制了合众银行(UMBC)、马来西亚国际船务(MISC)和南方银行(Southern Bank)——在之前这些企业都由华人持有。可是,看来华人持有的大众银行(Public Bank)虽然并非由我们控制,其财力和竞争力却遥遥领先其他业者。我们的控制权到底哪里出错了?
5 t6 U- {5 ?8 y+ }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
$ F. @ t- C m6 Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb那是因为教育吗?# A% ~" E5 q& P* i2 C
公仔箱論壇6 ^) {9 M/ Y* Z+ }, h% k8 B
在1968年至2000年期间:TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& n' n- S: c/ g% [2 V
/ X. n! g6 `+ {% Y0 O8 N3 bwww2.tvboxnow.com政府对这些学校的总预算中,华裔得到2.5%,印裔得到1%,马来小学的预算高达96.5%。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ ^5 \% t9 c3 h" Z0 p
* c! A$ O: ]; S$ n$ K事实上,这2637所马来小学建于1968年至2000年之间意味着『钝化』(retarding)大部分马来人或土著的改造工程越见明显。在他们毕业后,他们无所适从,只好继续留在国内。因为笨拙,他们无处可去,因为他们在和他人相处时面对着严重的语言和沟通问题。无论他们喜欢与否,他们只好继续支持『马来主权』的概念,以在津贴或福利下继续苟存。他们的思维是——不劳而获。那些富有的巫统土著的后代将获得海外深造,并回国继续统治他们那些贫困的本地亲戚。www2.tvboxnow.com- c$ C# n8 k% ?
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 x4 t; _( P$ r: K5 O: J# `
国油加油站?* l5 Z8 c' F9 u
8 v# s8 K2 o# R+ |www2.tvboxnow.com在全国2000家油站中,99%由马来人持有。是的!……我们马来人真的控制了,可是控制了些什么?我们控制了所有德士的准证(Approved Permits ,APs)。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 s5 r% E, G% \% h3 k$ n9 ~5 E
2 q1 L0 O0 W8 A( htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb我们控制了政府工程(的分配),95%分配给了马来人。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) T# |3 ]/ t6 z$ x
www2.tvboxnow.com) j# m' g" o+ h( U& f, R) z
; s b8 N6 o, `3 H' u" t% wwww2.tvboxnow.com9 J3 j( t( R! C0 g* i" a/ ?
我们控制了巴士公司。玛拉(人民信托局,Majlis Amanah Rakyat,MARA )旗下的巴士可在全马来西亚通行无阻,而非马来人则彷徨失措,他们必须为他们的巴士路线提出申请,而新巴士(申请)被拒绝。许多本地华人持有的巴士公司已经在城市地区消声灭迹。公仔箱論壇6 Z" G% ?* u1 ?$ }: j1 c9 Q
3 w; P: m+ ~4 C0 @6 ]* F
每个新建立的住宅区都设有回教堂和祈祷室,可是在任何的住宅区内,却连一所,我再强调,连一所寺庙和教堂也不曾兴建过,纵使在该住宅区内大部分是非马来人!我们甚至在每所回教堂外高挂扩音喇叭,以最高声量进行唱礼(Azan,每日五次的祈祷召唤),以告诉非马来人和非回教徒我们控制了一切。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ P3 d8 n& n6 \
- t- Q; ~, u8 Y可是,为什麽身为多数人口的马来人控制完了所有显著的职位和商业机会,却依旧无法在非马来人面前昂首挺胸呢?我们无法办到,因为马来人无法从这些机会中获得好处,只有那些被恩宠的巫统土著们享受着这些好处,多数马来人之中较贫困的一群只不过被巫统摆上神台,以便他们可以(继续)骑劫国家议程。这些华人汉奸和马来鹰犬围绕着巫统,在『分而治之』的邪恶计谋下,玩弄着互相对抗的把戏,以成就他们的生存计划。
" ]- o$ f3 d0 L1 T) A/ {公仔箱論壇/ ^# i& a _% ?" h
4 b$ L) p0 p7 s, g0 T6 J1 f4 z, p* k- w+ C9 O9 H8 I" h
' A0 Q! Q! ?+ k" Z
# _3 X7 G! X3 S' P: i现在的分别在于,已经有足够(数量)的马来人对这个被称为巫统的极端种族主义马来政党胡言乱语的滑稽动作感到羞耻。已经有足够(数量)的马来人告诉非马来人:「我们也能感觉到你们的痛苦,我们理解你们在被认为是自己的国家中,不被公平对待的的沮丧和绝望」。5 T$ Y& ~/ C+ E
# s) @; V# y! v2 I1 Y你必须紧记,巫统将永远也不会公平的对待你或把你当成是合作伙伴,他们想要独吞一切。如果你不高兴,你可以出去,无论是是否是一名科学家或爱因斯坦在世,巫统不会把你看在眼里。如果你是非马来人,你即是二等外来者,千万要记得!) Z: G5 n T) j- z& b0 v" D
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- H: d S, C& q3 X& |: `
大量移民海外的非马来人使得我国理解到,他们的损失只会利益他国,新加坡获益最大,而我国无法长期的承担这样的损失。只有愚蠢和迟钝的马来领袖不愿正视这个问题。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% L/ g. x& J1 b$ M6 S$ L
公仔箱論壇" }6 U2 r9 A Z$ x' ~
更重要的是,愚蠢政客不明白,巫统表现出来的这些令人感到厌恶和藐视的风潮,即是造成三〇八全国大选中挫败的主因。老天爷啊!这些种族主义杂种不但不知悔改,还企图喧哗着要发动种族血洗和混乱。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 [1 b7 o1 G. g2 T) U' q9 X2 S
4 M6 P# Y7 m7 ~: O公仔箱論壇因此,就让我们等待2011年即将展开的第13届全国大选,我们希望能洗涤巫统和它的跛脚国阵成员党,那些走狗和寄生虫的罪过。
3 v$ Y( E ]2 X7 Q7 R8 z gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇. q' f$ g5 i# x+ v7 h: H5 @7 i
$ G) }* \: [8 R+ Q% p公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; r, ?3 C% @# {8 S, v& p
单者易折,众则难摧(You are one with me and we are two)
% B, G: V$ N0 D' Y( a9 `9 }; z; Cwww2.tvboxnow.com团结兴邦,分裂亡国(United we stand divided we fall)公仔箱論壇. y# W; v* e1 L6 l5 U, G. Q
人人为我,我为人人(One for all and all for one)
' v, `; V6 L! Y" T. P! Bwww2.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& a; z3 r# s6 k1 Q5 m
# |/ ^9 X& N) Q4 f0 QTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* O$ R4 k+ h$ L- g- c$ U5 S5 C
原文:http://pray-for-malaysia.blogspo ... ls-of-malaysia.html
/ z& W$ l; @2 p0 rwww2.tvboxnow.com
/ s4 q- |5 i" z. Q《The Malays Are Lost And Waylaid - At The Crossroads Of A Malay Dilemma》TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 q$ a0 O% c$ F* |
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; S4 q6 x7 A1 ]% o# W; }+ P
If you happen to travel around this country and check on the statistics, especially the pasar malam, find out who runs the stalls and their businesses? Check out our beloved Chow Kit Road, and see who owns the thriving commerce? Or visit the Pudu wet market and see who is shouting for customers at 4am (even before the cock crows).TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( S3 s: u) f9 u p3 {7 {# r0 p
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 ?0 _. p1 ~3 A0 U& D7 h8 t% Q# N
Half the businesses now are with the foreigners, another half with other races, the Malays only have land titles left (especially reserve land of no value). All the GLC's are still in Malay hands, but not for long; otherwise all will be sold off in no time at all. As a people, the Malays are not known for perseverance and enduring commitment. They have no business acumen. Being entrepreunerial is a steep climb for them and the Malays have no stamina to stomach the strains and stresses. I speak from experience. They are easily swayed by circumstances.
1 ?9 X" a V' T! T* ]& @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇& I$ l8 R6 F Z# m6 ]
More than half our local workforce are pendatangs (Indons, Myanmars,Nepals, Vietnamese, Banglas!) This country is not only bankrupt as said by Idris Jala, but also - telah dilelongkan. The poorer of the majority Malays left behind will become beggars and mat rempit, mat gian, mat ragut and mat dadah (they are all subsidized by our government funding to buy their No 1 drugs of escapism to run away from a harsh reality - Metadon). Who culled their own Malay race? Nobody but UMNO-BN itself! I rest my case.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 S( B7 h9 `9 U2 e& \
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. g* A6 g9 j, r9 f1 H
Since 1957 UMNO has effectively carried out the population engineering of our country to ensure its own long-term survival by creating the myth of a two-pronged "Ketuanan Melayu" strategy of mind control. "Ketuanan Melayu" for the majority Malay masses who are lulled and numbed into a feeling of being superior over the non-Malays because of their demographic numbers; and "Ketuanan Melayu" for the favoured UMNOputra Malay political elites through the accumulation of massive material wealth and power for themselves and their cronies. And while UMNO has failed by almost any measure you chose to gauge them – good governance, ethics or morality – without question they have succeeded too well in the social engineering exercise after the bloody race riots of May 13, 1969. The duplicity of UMNO in proclaiming 1Malaysia - Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara -while all the while undertaking a relentless program to whittle down the numbers of the non-Malays through a very precise and focused political initiative is breathtaking in its effectiveness!公仔箱論壇8 W# n1 j0 f( g F+ N
2 Y9 @3 n i4 P% V1 B" i( F) A
Consider this -
5 ` ]0 u, U' M, @% s' ^$ k& z% _- gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
5 o l& }: u1 Y' C3 B- @2 Q* Zwww2.tvboxnow.comIn 1957:
$ v" i ~9 e- Y$ MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, v1 \' t2 V0 S8 ?# d5 \" m
– 45% of the population were Chinese1 v5 K$ u; O8 b4 m6 W2 ^
-- 12% of the population were Indianswww2.tvboxnow.com2 W: p2 m3 L5 k5 d
# F6 C" l; f& S: X
In 2010:; F g3 C0 y$ W# i
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( A4 I9 i+ k: J; ^9 a
– 25% of the population are Chinese
; n( m, x( s7 l– 7% of the population are Indianstvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" y9 o& L" E. s) Y
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- U5 M/ l- W y
Over 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC status were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship and possibly 60% of them had passed away due to old age.www2.tvboxnow.com# S. C4 T" }+ S& B; ~* l; ]
4 T p7 h6 N& A# T) M, ]+ a
Since 1957:www2.tvboxnow.com* `# e# V2 ]) `7 u) ^
' ^& a9 V" ]/ Z) f! x" f
-- 2 million Chinese have emigrated! F/ c( P# f8 t: r l* h- b# C
– 0.5 million Indians have migrated
2 c7 G6 ]# l3 FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。– 3 million Indonesians came over to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status even if they stay less than 5 years. (Nett gain 0.5 million and an additional of 3 million manufactured Bumiputras like Muslim Indonesians). The most famous is none other than Mohd Khir Toyo who stayed for 20 years but became MB of Selangor.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 l0 P/ e/ v' `7 W' h
# J9 v3 x3 i {( h; e
In the not too distant future, I reckon Malay bumiputras may have to worry about 2nd or 3rd generation Indonesian migrants, owing to the virtues of hard work and thrift taught by their parents, or grandparents, would have surpassed the majority Malays in terms of socio-economic progress. Mohd Khir Toyo is smarter than most local-born Malays in terms of amassing his personal wealth at the shortest duration of time. Even Muhammad Muhammad Taib is no match for him. That's how smart Khir Toyo is.
6 ?5 Q8 A! ]0 d2 D# ^, ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 [# c) m$ ~/ h5 B" a: U) C
Instead of teaching their people the virtues of hard work and perseverance, the UMNO warlords are proclaiming Ketuanan Melayu to feed off the Chinese minorities like parasites. If not for the Chinese taxpayers, the Malays will be sleeping the five footways. Of course the Chinese isn't a threat - they are just workaholics - they want to create wealth and prosperity so much so that no failures of any kind is going to stop them. Not even the ultra Malay racists spewing blood in their eyes or frothing venom in their mouths. It is envisaged the Chinese demographics will dwindle to stabilise at 4per cent of the overall Malaysian population but their accumulated wealth and economic power will continue to rise to more than 75per cent of the overall GDP of the country. That's proof enough how steady and influential the Chinese economic stranglehold over the majority Malays will become; and we believe racial hatred and resentment is well likely to remain for the next 50 years. They work hard for the money but we envy them in our idleness.: O! l+ f4 m3 j6 I
# j9 h7 m( N9 K% ^公仔箱論壇Whereas the Indonesian newcomers went out to work before you become awake and they are not home yet when you call it a day and went to bed. Will the majority Malays consider them a threat when they deservedly find new wealth? The Indonesians respect the Chinese for their business acumen and diligence. Do the Malays think likewise if not indulge in unguarded jealousy and envy?
. z' N; D& d/ z; r. `公仔箱論壇
$ w7 n$ E/ J4 x1 G! Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbNow the non-Malays are well aware of this tinkering and engineering of our population and it would do us Malays no good to say that it was UMNO's doing and that we had no hand in what happened at the end of the day. As a Malay I was then comfortable that UMNO was the dominant partner in the Barisan Nasional. It was indeed comforting to know that Malays controlled four of the five major banks. We were also in control of UMBC, MISC and Southern Bank – all previously owned by the Chinese. But seemingly the Chinese-owned Public Bank which is not in our control is moving ahead of the others still in economic prowess and competitive skills. What's wrong with our control?
: E: J9 \0 T; z J) E- Z. O! h" qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* Z6 z( p( i* P5 j+ B
Education?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: _# z0 B, i5 w* \; i0 b+ t: \
# n1 [4 W( _; P% swww2.tvboxnow.comBetween 1968 to 2000:TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& k) N" x p. g# _
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% i" Z' c& s$ N% T* C/ q
– 48 Chinese primary schools shut down
/ _' ~4 n ?1 n/ D6 [6 d8 C* r3 @www2.tvboxnow.com– 144 Indian primary schools closed
+ z6 T; ~& X1 `% S1 K, l- N: nTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。– 2637 Malay Primary Schools were builttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb l2 O9 _! |0 d; Y
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- @3 a! R( _- s* q2 l
Of the total government budget for these schools, 2.5% were for the Chinese, 1% for the Indians and a whopping 96.5% for the Malay primary schools.
6 w8 n8 A# s7 m @4 ~- J) q8 F4 V+ yTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) Y7 S7 v+ z2 r/ x, L% V G E
The fact that 2637 Malay primary schools were built between 1968 to 2000 implied that the engineered process of retarding our majority Malays or bumiputras is getting obvious. At the end of their school lives, they have nowhere to go except to stay put in this country, as like idiots they have nowhere else to go because everywhere they are faced with a serious language problem and a communication breakdown with others. They will, like it or not, have to support the Ketuanan Melayu concept to survive for their freebies or welfare. The mentality is - No need to work and money will still come. Scions of the rich and wealthy UMNOputras will be educated overseas and return to continue to rule over their poorer local cousins.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ b8 r9 R @) k$ q3 S9 w& @7 L+ F
www2.tvboxnow.com' l- _5 {' I" j- t9 u
Petronas petrol stations?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 X2 K3 r: s# B! ^) x$ `
$ ~" |2 ^9 B8 t V2 oOf the 2000 station the Malays owned 99%. Yes…we the Malays were indeed in control. In control of what? We were in control of all the business licenses and permits for Taxis and Approved Permits (APs).
7 r2 Y2 ]; b, W% C6 W6 [5 Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
4 n4 n' @% D* a( Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvbWe were in control of Government contracts of which 95% were given to Malays.& g9 j, x# G6 D
- u. t/ p; r' O7 y ]8 \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbWe were in control of the rice trade through Bernas that bought over 80% of Chinese rice millers in Kedah. Even Robert Kuok aka Sugar King was forced to sell his sugar franchise to UMNO crony interests so that the Malays are deemed to be in control of the sugar market; and the other essential basic items.www2.tvboxnow.com& p3 A% e+ w$ c. s7 _" \
www2.tvboxnow.com U& v" ^( t1 {$ r# V+ S! {, I5 [
We were in control of bus companies. Throughout Malaysia, MARA buses could be seen plying all the routes. Non-Malays were simply displaced by having their application for bus routes and for new buses rejected. Many local Chinese owned bus companies are already kaput in the urban centres.
R6 B/ D! F1 K5 XTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 W% d J) }# ?% \1 i% G
Every new housing estate being built had a mosque or a surau. None, I repeat "no" temples or churches were built for any housing estate even if the majority residents are non Malays! We even blare the loudspeakers in every mosque calling for Azan at maximum volume just so to tell the non Malays and non Muslims that we are in control!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 j; M4 J7 k+ l M7 ^+ g5 h5 v
' F6 s: @0 O( N1 r
So why with control over all these highly visible entities and business opportunities are the majority Malays still unable to stand tall and with pride over and above the non-Malays? We are unable to so do because it was not the Malays that benefited from these opportunities - only the favoured UMNOputras enjoyed the benefits, and the poorer among the majority Malays were merely taken for a ride as their name were used by UMNO to hijack the national agenda. The Chinese bogeyman and the Malay hobbyhorse work wonders for UMNO to play one against the other in their evil scheme of Divide and Rule to suit their survival plan. 公仔箱論壇. i, P4 g2 Z; ]! g! y* U" E& V9 @
% s4 E. j* \. L" g9 }公仔箱論壇Why must UMNO constantly harped about the need to spoon-feed the majority Malays – about Ketuanan Melayu when it is already in place and about Bumiputra status and all the privileges and rights that goes with that special status?
5 [' K# W% w1 O" gwww2.tvboxnow.comwww2.tvboxnow.com3 x& V* X5 N, [7 w7 q1 j2 V& I! g
And as a Malay I want to ask the non-Malays why you still chose to live in a country whose racist government has by its actions and deeds done whatever it could to make you not feel welcomed as a Pendatang? The non-Malays I know have all told me the same thing – Malaysia is their country – they know of no other country they can call their own. And so they stay and put up with the abuses and nonsense.7 L7 u4 m2 k1 S; L# A& p' t v
. E$ |; u5 C, z/ x) F( ITVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。The difference now is that there are enough Malays who are ashamed by the nihilistic antics of this ultra racist Malay political organization call UMNO. There are enough Malays to tell the non-Malays that we feel your pain, too. We understand your frustrations and despair at not being treated as equals in a country you call your own.公仔箱論壇+ B( m; X/ F0 {! _0 }
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ P, X% l- o+ E! c- e) x
You must remember that UMNO will never treat you as equals or partners in progress. They want eveything for themselves. If you are not happy you can get out. UMNO does not give a damn if you're a rocket scientist or Albert Einstein Reborn. If you are non Malay you are 2nd class pendatang. Remember that well.
6 d6 {7 E& A* P4 i# xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
& J# }. X) F Y5 T2 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAnd enough non-Malays had migrated abroad to cause our country to understand that their loss is another country's gain. Singapore gained the most. A loss, which our country can ill afford to sustain in the long run. Only dumb and stupid Malay leaders deny the causes. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! E7 F0 V% T, S% d5 \- h, Z
, w% M, E% ~; o3 T( QAnd more important, all these groundswell of disgust and contempt at UMNO has manifested itself in a way these political idiots cannot understand – losing our votes in the 12th General Elections on 10 March 2008. Say Amen for that. Instead of seeking penance these racist bastards scream for bloodshed and mayhem still.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) `8 p* J5 d( |9 L( k7 d" L T7 i
公仔箱論壇2 W' Q( j: r3 w# W: D5 }
And so we wait for the 13th General Election in 2011 which we hope will dish out the relevant karma for UMNO and its lameduck Barisan Nasional partners. The stooges and the parasites.
5 G. n" a% j/ Y* ^' Q O G1 J. uwww2.tvboxnow.com* g/ l6 _- D( X! o! {5 Z
Meantime understand what they have done to us all – not only the non-Malays but also to the Malays and do not allow UMNO or Barisan Nasional to play the race card and start their divide and rule antics on us anymore.
! Z7 I! v( K! k7 V! ywww2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇+ _+ E; L: F. v/ I8 u% a6 q
You are one with me and we are two. United we stand divided we fall. One for all and all for one - is our game plan. |