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1742# LonelyPlanet
' l8 X; V# Z; I; V$ c( n$ U* t1 @8 Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇- A9 s% F! s8 q, P* h$ J; d. ]
Why W&G ga"eat shit"? Service not good?
本帖最後由 timen 於 2011-12-21 11:29 PM 編輯 ; l2 |* v/ j5 F  Q5 C3 v2 P9 U

/ [7 g. ]7 A$ Bwww2.tvboxnow.com 1754# reykiean
8 Y2 U- K2 R' Q4 A公仔箱論壇www2.tvboxnow.com' n  [4 V9 t) _( W( {+ P
Puying = Girls
& o' U- K# @8 v) USuay Jing Jing = very beautiful
, Z6 K2 l0 B) s4 m4 D8 C公仔箱論壇* J3 |2 h- a% R% [0 G
Learn some basic Thai as the gals maybe will more like you and won't end up with disatisfying journey~~ haha!!
180# alex_weng2000
9 Z$ d" [: Z" @' o公仔箱論壇4 V' k8 i0 ]: s7 E4 S) {

8 H- t2 m* f# m$ a可以分享吗?大大PM我或者有电话号码吗?谢谢楼主的分享哦~~~~
[url=http://www.tvboxnow.com/redirect.大大php?goto=findpost&pid=35624570&ptid=423361]1760#[/url] Lulusiao $ x( k8 h1 P6 s' k" b$ B  p

( Z, O; |" Q& A  w+ x# ?0 t! o3 {- b可以分享吗?大大PM我或者有电话号码吗?谢谢大大的分享哦~~~~
pls PM me 龟公的电话,我有兴趣啦!
182# LonelyPlanet 公仔箱論壇' y9 ^! R4 \5 T% f. j0 T" J5 q* _
gotpls PM me 龟公的电话,我有兴趣啦!
hi lonelyplanet , can u pls share the hp number of the girls to me ....pm me pls thank u
! g7 v. @/ ^! |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb美美:016-44xxxxx,
5 o- M) Q, b$ s: `9 j4 \\那那:016-47xxxxx,
* M4 X- L3 o  ~( F公仔箱論壇燕君:016-47xxxxx ,
* ?& I* Q0 `5 lwww2.tvboxnow.com彩云:016-43xxxxx
lonelyplanet, u not on9 already?www.tvboxnow.com/ ?* ?% g8 j5 v; A. [0 K
, ^4 y% x* B  U- d& [4 `+ rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbi wish to get contact from u, plz...pm me...
Who knows Simon HP number?Pls PM me tq bro...!!
508# pgkid
: r2 b2 i& l- ewww2.tvboxnow.comlonelyplanet, u not on9 already?www.tvboxnow.com/ ?* ?% g8 j5 v; A. [0 K
- z, ~$ Z7 ~' W" Q1 H4 w5 \www2.tvboxnow.comi wish to get contact from uwww.tvboxnow.com1 s$ u8 }$ @/ o5 n- q
+ p2 H, z" a4 M, _! s4 G+ M3 |8 _公仔箱論壇plz...pm me...
  ^& f& |! p9 `6 w) btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb thank  you!
535# takban82
8 x# R, @: {& P9 g
9 M  p* U2 G* i5 c9 o; Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI'm interested pls PM me bro..!!tq
Sorry i'm new here....anyone could share v me?
& F3 [* b8 s; c/ I; k: {$ `+ ?( l& jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbhey man please PM me the Mutiara Massage PArlour ...?thansk bro...