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好鍾意呢套劇公仔箱論壇; h. y( {) ]+ {+ p
& G1 ]& n5 u9 Z* B- zwww2.tvboxnow.com多謝哂>3<
thank you very much
thx 4 sharing
thank you very much
thank a lots
must be good japan tv drama
thankyou thank youwww2.tvboxnow.com% e: j2 O' z( f# c4 i6 U, ]
still waiting for 豬豬 ver.
This is a great drama, which has a very creativity storylines, interesting characters, revolutionary performance; which has to reflect excited expression. Thanks a lot for your generously distribution & amazingly recommendation of all entertainment conscious. You're so excellent, my support to you definitely never wavered at all~~~!!!
thanks so much
good watching Japan TV drama.. thanks n support
it's getting more and more interesting. what will happen to those 2 couples? thanks for sharing ep06~