lovebearhl (伊伊)當前離線
UPDATE: Latest information on overseas postal voting Posted on 14/04/2013 by MyOverseasVote The EC has provided a guide on how postal voting will be carried out, and on how postal votes will be count ... SweetLemon 發表於 2013-4-15 08:13 AM
fls125 當前離線
lhy92725 當前離線
eqwai 當前離線
chan200308 (型 英 帥 靚 正 chan sir)當前在線
makotochan 當前離線
SweetLemon 當前離線
Good Evening Good Morning Good Night Cafe
Everybody。。。多謝肥貓 魚生。。。 鹹陳。。。。 EQ mm 貓姐 fls 妹妹 伊伊 妹妹 - dont know ar。。。I think deadline already。。。。 SweetLemon 發表於 2013-4-15 07:57 PM
oic... that means you have to come back vote~~~
No budget。。。 SweetLemon 發表於 2013-4-15 08:08 PM
咸陳睇唔到呀. makotochan 發表於 2013-4-15 08:23 PM