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提供防洪食水灌溉三功能 逾2亿修建知马打苏水坝# ?3 E1 S# r" m2 T+ F
北马  地方新闻 2013-03-08 15:10
- j# s; X7 Q$ r5 Kwww2.tvboxnow.com(加央7日讯)中央政府特别拨款2亿7300万令吉改善玻璃市知马打苏水坝工程计划,以三合一概念设计,其结构将缔造的三大功能,除了防洪,也提供日用水需求及农业灌溉和工业用途。
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
雪州政府公布设计图 巴生第三桥下半年动工6 \0 W9 D  H' q5 v/ O0 d
雪隆  地方新聞 2013-03-08 10:03/ ?6 e7 b' j9 L" N( M9 ?& T$ J) G5 M
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
Experts debunk external claim over Sabah
+ E& R4 D+ j* }9 j$ O" g! k- stvb now,tvbnow,bttvbBernama | 11:58PM Mar 7, 2013
2 M( s: x- o8 y, }2 ], I* r7 a0 F. UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Experts weigh in on several legal matters concerning sultan Jamalul Kiram III's claim over Sabah.
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Kunak folk recount intrusion scare
$ u; ~6 ~) M6 \% q; S公仔箱論壇Lee Long Hui | 7:57AM Mar 8, 2013
# i: l: S5 ^: \7 K公仔箱論壇It has been five days since the police said that 10 armed intruders were spotted in Kunak, but fear continues to grip the villagers.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
Bloodshed during Pakatan ceramah in Malacca
( I! ~) f# d* `) N5 q" G, WTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Koh Jun Lin | 8:22AM Mar 8, 2013公仔箱論壇, m0 E4 w7 E+ x
UPDATED 2.55PM At least one Pakatan supporter was injured at a ceramah last night in Bukit Katil, Malacca.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
Serenely BN Malacca may be shifting at last
, e3 v: ^4 |* a5 P2 hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Terence Netto | 9:05AM Mar 8, 2013www2.tvboxnow.com& b5 [5 ?1 {( y1 c
Large crowds at Pakatan supremo Anwar's three-stop swing may presage a shift in a state hitherto immune to the reformasi bug.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
Kit Siang backs PM's stance on incursionwww2.tvboxnow.com. ]; }- n( X, F( |" Z* B' I
9:24AM Mar 8, 20131 H, L! X) Q# G
Although there are criticisms on the government handling of the matter, they are secondary to ending the standoff, says Kit Siang.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
MB threatens to sue The Star over misleading headline公仔箱論壇" z3 a, T2 X! V0 C  u
9:35AM Mar 8, 2013  ?6 G( _- X+ k3 r1 H) T9 O
The spin on Khalid's comments is extremely irresponsible and made in bad faith, says the MB's political secretary.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
BN asks who's the datuk behind RM6bil road project?
) v- Y4 \( d" \Susan Loone | 9:46AM Mar 8, 2013
% V  e$ C6 z# ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbState BN Youth wants the CM to reveal details of the firm - Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd's chairperson Zarul Ahmad Zulkifli.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
PM, defend Sabah from instant citizens, too
/ h( s  F' _; z: J% r公仔箱論壇10:12AM Mar 8, 2013; U' J& J7 F( {) A0 r- i
FREE YOURSAY ‘Yes, defend Sabah we must, but that defence must include the state from being stolen or slipped away without our knowledge.'
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
Lawyers push for probe into PI Bala's SD2
, L& m+ |8 L- H  [+ ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb10:21AM Mar 8, 2013www2.tvboxnow.com- [( {1 R5 o; r0 A( o3 @
UPDATED 2.44PM The Bar Council had permitted itself to be viewed as reluctant to act decisively on the matter' reads the motion.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
The parable of the BN minotaur in GE13公仔箱論壇6 z! e: B% g# J' \! w, ~
Hazlan Zakaria | 10:43AM Mar 8, 20139 M3 y6 t" ^" V) s  W: K' {* k
COMMENT The BN's own minotaur terrorises the populace, an engineered racial strife monstrosity that haunts the people endlessly.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
Jamalul refuses to surrender, proposes hostage exchange
3 W4 T% q3 f! _( C, E8 ~5 fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。10:55AM Mar 8, 2013
5 a: k. C8 b7 ]1 Z1 PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Self-proclaimed Sulu sultan Jamalul Kiram rejects KL's unconditional surrender demand, and proposes an exchange of hostages.
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^
The beginning of an insurgency in Sabah?( I) N7 x. S6 `* N
11:00AM Mar 8, 2013www2.tvboxnow.com4 |3 e3 H5 O# d; c) e! p
FREE YOURSAY 'Now it appears that we are fighting a guerrilla war, but this time it is not the communists but Muslim terrorists...'
~ 《2022香港小姐競選》小遊戲 ~  已經結束,詳情請看 有傾有講吹水區 < 玩遊戲,送獎金 TVB$········ ^^>  4736 頁 #71033~#71035  ^^