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RYAN, enjoy ur sex tonite wif Shexxx, remember FR sharing :-)
1338# Coswest 我们是同病相怜啊!!!8 r1 t. c% \1 i2 `( u# k* M0 ?
jay-z 發表於 2011-11-7 06:20 PM
www2.tvboxnow.com# X6 w+ u6 n9 B) \8 X' ?* [
www2.tvboxnow.com$ ^9 z7 y/ q) T3 W& R7 r
哇!!你也和我一样!她说他家里的东西,说她的谁去世的。kan neh。。我在那边傻笑而已。不喜欢的一点就是她有一个味道。 :S
RYAN, enjoy ur sex tonite wif Shexxx, remember FR sharing :-)公仔箱論壇' W; v1 ^' L, Y
LonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-11-7 09:05 PM
" ~$ m5 g9 R* s/ _( ~) `
* m7 z' ~0 r# G! _TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Not a problem, if sucess, sure post at here !!!
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2 s2 B/ V0 O: R, C3 Y/ T
哇!!你也和我一样!她说他家里的东西,说她的谁去世的。kan neh。。我在那边傻笑而已。不喜欢的一点就是她有一个味道。 :S
9 Q1 b' Y' R0 r3 t* ^" mCoswest 發表於 2011-11-7 09:10 PM
) l* J- y* H4 ], d- Q
  B7 s+ ~* `2 m0 K+ C; D1 L如果你try过elaine的话,你会更爽!她的奶头咸咸的,kanasai!头发还有一阵异味,不知道几天没冲凉了,我到现在还有点阴影,查点性冷感=.=
www2.tvboxnow.com) m* {9 S$ i% O( @1 ]1 `1 W9 {0 D

/ E! K+ N  g- K% Y" Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb哇!!你也和我一样!她说他家里的东西,说她的谁去世的。kan neh。。我在那边傻笑而已。不喜欢的一点就是她有一个味道。 :S
$ b; T; C7 j& _' [, _6 u2 J9 Gwww2.tvboxnow.comCoswest 發表於 2011-11-7 09:10 PM
- @4 F( K: K( Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
& ?8 y; I, u+ I8 N公仔箱論壇不只你而已,我也中了,RM40给她,RM40给油 = RM80 haiz~~. 她叫我下个星期去找她,我有点害怕.....她肯我说你没领薪水,所以没钱。。。。
) |  r8 }+ Q& T( c. R' swww2.tvboxnow.com
2 v; n8 @6 A0 p" M% w: uwww2.tvboxnow.com如果你try过elaine的话,你会更爽!她的奶头咸咸的,kanasai!头发还有一阵异味,不知道几天没冲凉了,我到现在还有点阴影,查点性冷感=.=
7 a8 q% R7 _; m* \( m3 s. U8 _: btvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-11-7 09:29 PM
- [, I7 Z1 o) s' M+ gwww2.tvboxnow.com3 g  \8 z: @, m. {7 A1 @
1377# raiden10991 6 t7 S# V4 m: f/ L3 H

5 Q; [% i0 a( O公仔箱論壇表紧了,钱都花去了。是时候我们报仇了!!刁她够够力。可以说,你带她去那里,她没带钱的。用的是公司的电话。真假都好,别相信就是了。她可能学会了,吃掉我们就有。哈!
道高一尺,魔高一丈 !!!!!
hostel or hotel?
i also spend 2 hrs for her drive here and there, end up i give her RM10 and bye bye to her .... suck .... i hate her smell.
*PLEASE NOTICE公仔箱論壇# s$ Y6 I$ E+ J2 f: v( x' p
“alex_weng2000" this guy is very suck !!!! , Please Dont Share any information to he .   w) w8 K5 ?" C9 n, v

1 f. @! @+ j! v- e2 e! f公仔箱論壇Reason
$ e9 P3 h3 f! j4 Lwww2.tvboxnow.com1. He ask me about the shen diao H/P and I got pm his . Next few days, I pm he to get vistana and PV contact Number, then he reply he "Only For Exchange!!" (WTF !!!! , I share with you my number, after that i ask for some number he say only for exchange !!!! )6 l7 D4 |  M7 s, i
2. Liar - All people know "pm" is a real - time application, i pm he (i check 3x time le) , then he say no receive !!!! (WTF) !!!!
+ u' d) j$ ]( d, J; C. Y# F公仔箱論壇3. Self Fish - And I say nvm, you pm me those number ,  then i pm you agian !!! ,and then he reply "Nope..... u give me first ....." (WTF !!!!).www2.tvboxnow.com* @8 @& x1 V8 ^; {
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 f' F" {. u, A! v( G
* No next time to share thing to her
find 1 day, ask new bro date mei jing come out, let the old bro f*ck her kao kao!!!
' ?7 _' I4 u* e0 Y' H8 \! p8 Uwww2.tvboxnow.comLonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-11-7 08:49 PM
% r+ H: r' X: G6 _- W' d7 o
Fully agree!!!