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kayi cheung is okay.. she didn't do a splendid job that night..you can tell that she was pretty nervous when she was being interviewd, as her eyes were blinking many times.  As for looks, its average.  And i honestly don't know why some people can take this so seriously and make hk pageant a huge deal.. i mean look at 2005 Tracy Yip Choi CHoi.. she's UGLY man! i mean when she was competing she was pretty (with all the makeup on and such) but look at her now in magazines and stuff.. i can't even recognize its her!
Oh God......
I feel bad for her

回復第 1 帖由 carolcarol 所發的帖子

One picture? Nothing can prove:onion05:

回復第 1 帖由 carolcarol 所發的帖子

同評判食飯有下聞有乜咁出奇,  可能某啲技能叻剩係得評判知呢?
She let all the HK people down :-)
:onion31: 哎~真’修’家
Anyway...........she look ok compare to those people with plastik surgery.right??