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回復 #1 xtinaH 的帖子

Is picture 1 a cup of warm/hot drinks that has condensation on the cup?  I've experimented with many of those shots.  It looks good when you are seeing it but hard to capture that feel.  The only way I know how is to open up the aperture (f/1.8 or something) and hold the camera really steady and focus sharply.  would help if there's some light on the other side of the glass like candy or something.

The 2nd pic is a bit under but can benefit fro opening up the aperture as well so only the closely lable is sharp.

The 3rd pic is a bit over.  I think if you dial it down a stop and kick up the saturation, then the result may be better.  Consider changing the direction of the shot since it seems you are shooting a front light shot, a side or even back light may be a bit nicer.


  • carolfeeling
