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《使徒行者》非一般臥底釘姐-各位贊成TVB另開續集或《釘姐系列》嗎? ... ... ... ...

 ,  描述: 即係取代laughing哥系列,長拍長有囉。
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《使徒行者》非一般臥底釘姐-各位贊成TVB另開續集或釘姐系列嗎?; t1 L; X% G7 a& d7 _
0 L; N* v3 N1 f* L9 q; b: ~
+ D8 d: V0 P, V) S' X9 P" A5 R- s

% [$ h3 m; ^$ o5 W% _, ?
; }: G2 ~' }6 u. Y, Lwww2.tvboxnow.com
2 T6 z- e/ k* q1 i; _www2.tvboxnow.com阿佘能唔能夠憑此角再奪視後,對無記可能都唔係咁緊要,始終每次得獎與否都有多少政治考慮。
4 L$ u& R' E* ^% {/ {$ ~* ?

3 Q6 n  a  B5 e. {5 w不過,擅於商業計算嘅TVB,又點會唔知眼前又再出現會生金蛋嘅鵝呢?! Y: V: f$ C) l( n7 r  W

/ l' N7 p+ i  P8 Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb謝天華離開無記後,laughing哥條水就咁斷咗,想再拍續篇外傳已經無可能,而家喜見又有超正臥底角色出現,所以本劇完後可能唔駛一年半載,我哋或會睇到「釘姐系列」,連前傳、後傳、新傳、外傳乜都出齊,可能一啲都唔出奇噃
/ k/ Z/ ^6 m& r9 g
3 T6 W- @) N8 B但如果TVB真係為釘姐開續篇,各位網友有無啲新建議,或者希望釘姐用乜嘢新形式或新劇情同我哋見面呢?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% e9 r) Z: d* A! l8 C! N
投完票後請分享一吓意見。公仔箱論壇1 a7 f8 T6 F8 l+ y
www2.tvboxnow.com# h$ ]  o6 z: |. ^$ R( Z* {" [1 w
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+ ^, f4 N8 A! P6 g$ G1 t- @TVB 續集死路一條
第1集都算幾好睇, 下集就唔知啦..
臥底片係好睇 既
8 y3 A# J4 j( ?唔好拖長寫爛佢
本帖最後由 mrfusion 於 2014-9-21 08:54 AM 編輯 公仔箱論壇2 C8 E, S; n" y+ p  c: N

8 s5 ~3 P+ z9 y; P' u  ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbMichael Tse can still do TVB drama, he is independent and has his own workshop. But Laughing series is dry, hardly worth milking it again. I love

Charmaine, but

I don't believe the character 釘姐 isn't strong enough to hold a drama on its own.

本帖最後由 mrfusion 於 2014-9-21 09:05 AM 編輯
& t6 q$ P+ _& M* J4 s, M, ]' Q$ o5 t( `# W7 a3 M5 ]4 [- I
連浩勤 on the other hand, has a story to tell, how can such a successful financial advisor has the passion to be a cop and end up there? However 沈震軒 himself may not be able to lead a drama.
1# leekwoklam * `! A, L! H( _: @) y+ ]

+ C3 E0 L. I' Q0 k) T5 t公仔箱論壇
* M3 S9 e7 P2 wTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。.贊成開《使徒行者》續集
我會選2. 贊成以釘姐掛頭牌另開《釘姐系列》,因為可以天馬行空多選擇唔問嘅題材。開續集有第一集比較衰咗成數較高
連浩勤 on the other hand, has a story to tell, how can such a successful financial advisor has the passion to be a cop and end up there? However 沈震軒 himself may not be able to lead a drama.
7 _& X  C' k4 U) O9 K. ^* fmrfusion 發表於 2014-9-21 09:04 AM
I would rather watch 歡喜哥外傳
laughing哥出走無記 了咩?
日日听住903!  日日都上tvbnow!
8# mrfusion Doesn't make sense, why a successful financial guru, want to be a cop? Making money is so easy for him, being a UC c'mon get real.
12# Pedestrian_A Totally agree, especially the story of a cop turn dark....