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C 兄  開心聖誕夜  
2 k1 `" d: m# mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
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C兄 ,言爷 和 所有新闻区的好朋友 圣诞节快乐
  r' E. `3 k/ _$ I. @
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本帖最後由 luke168 於 2012-12-25 12:19 AM 編輯
" x: T1 f3 C/ ]www2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇& p! x7 R+ B/ U" \3 I! @
C兄 聖誕快乐!公仔箱論壇# ^7 N* _1 k- Y& r& B
公仔箱論壇; b8 o# P* O  N7 a$ J. ~" H3 r' H

. R/ S, w  g+ F( k. dwww2.tvboxnow.com

1 m8 I2 _! ^8 s
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Today is 12/23/2012 eve of Xmas, NYC wishing C Heng, TVB friends n all r together with family n friends during d festive seasons, sharing n catching up lost time n creating more special n beautiful moments to keep n treasure in u heart n life. Merry Xmas n a Happy New Yr. May u be healthy, happy n all heart ♥. Love KimmiCat. ;)
( c  m+ [3 g/ U2 kwww2.tvboxnow.com
8 P- ?: \# i! K! c3 d& l$ g: L5 W- P" G9 s2 `
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friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
C兄及各位 聖誕快樂!
型 英 帥 靚 正
1964361www2.tvboxnow.com" x  c0 ]. u) p$ J9 p
allo 發表於 2012-12-24 11:18 AM
3 M* a/ l& y- t6 ]3 z7 C. K) e7 r6 w

# _) k& o- c/ e2 {2 `www2.tvboxnow.com
. X; M  p  N3 Y4 i9 g公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& q4 I* I- k: S1 W6 l2 l
very naughty idea, but d red color is an auspicious color, can help C Heng win money this Xmas ka?  C Heng please win alot of money ah
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
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祝大家圣诞节快乐~~~* g& h. H( e4 e7 v" r0 a/ u8 a

/ n' c8 o* E) m% fwww2.tvboxnow.com
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C兄 ,言爷 ...大家圣诞节快乐!!!
" ?9 E4 t6 b- M9 d; {; V4 B6 Bwww2.tvboxnow.com
1 L+ s$ E" x& n" _+ _3 o2 gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
C兄 ,言爷 ...大家圣诞节快乐!!!www2.tvboxnow.com: R; u% s9 y3 \% j) N: j+ N
# V$ N2 U" }& r
公仔箱論壇* h: T' ~3 q- `1 c3 ?7 c2 i" X3 y
wasimasterQ 發表於 2012-12-24 11:35 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( `- L' q( M4 u7 [4 N% T- J9 U# L
www2.tvboxnow.com6 F/ p* D" P1 O+ f8 g& A
very nice but i can oni read d pic not d ch wo !!!
" S0 Z3 S7 _) i& A/ W1 T6 bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。also new sig very cute d..<3
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things